Rememberin​g our Fallen Ruggers

Hi All,

Deb, with the help of her graduate assistant Tiffany and others on the TCNJ campus, has set up a Sports Club Memorial Fund.  This will be an annual award in memory of sport club members who have passed away including: Jason Cairns (men’s rugby), Ken Johnsen, Jr. (men’s rugby), and Kathleen Walsh (women’s soccer).  In addition to providing programmatic financial support for the growing club programs, this fund will also provide awards and plaques for current Sports Club team members who are recognized as leaders both on and off the playing field. These awards will be presented at the Annual Student Life Achievement Awards Dinner hosted by the Office of Student Affairs. Donations made through Alumni and Development and an annual 5K fun-run will pay for the awards each year.

Thanks Deb for setting up this amazing memorial fund!

Although the notice is short, we’re hoping we can get a group out for the First Annual 5K Fun Run!  Here are the details:

Date: Sunday, December 11, 2011

Registration: Day-of from 10-11:30am

Start: Fun Run 5K begins on Sundial Lawn by Brower Student Center at noon.

A $5 minimum donation is required for a participant to run/walk.  If you want to give more, it will be happily received and put toward the fund.

A Facebook event has been created through the TCNJ Rugby Alumni page, so if you would like to attend feel free to RSVP HERE so everyone can see who is coming out and so an after run event can be organized if participants feel so inclined… 🙂

If you cannot make the run you can still donate by use of this form or by donating online at (please be sure to indicate that you would like your gift to support the “TCNJ Sports Club Memorial Fund”).

Contact Deb at or by phone at 609-771-2190 if you have any questions.

Please feel free to forward this information on to anyone who might not see this, especially family and friends of Ken and Jay.

These are the types of events our Association hopes to promote and support more regularly.  So if you are able, please come out or donate!

Rucking Regards,

Lions Rugby Alumni Association

About kbernyk

mouthy feminist. fat positive writer. insomniac embroiderer.
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