Alumni Day 2011 RECAP

TCNJ Rugby Alumni & Undergrads 2011

Another amazing Alumni Day has come and gone, and once again, both the Men and Women’s Alumni teams were victorious over the undergrads. 
Women: 59-0
Men: 37-34
Besides basking in the glory of showing those undergrads to respect their elders, it was a perfect day to be outside and barbecuing with friends new and old.
Thanks to the work of the Lions Rugby Alumni Association, undergrad leadership, and staff at TCNJ, we were not only able to pull off another great alumni event, but even have a few extra perks this year — including commemorative plastic “Alumni Day” mugs and a Kevin Cashmoney Millionaire raffle (thanks Cashman!), which raised over $300 for future events and raffled off a rugby prize pack.
Speaking of the raffle, a special shout-out must go to the family of Ken Johnsen, Jr. who won the grand 50/50 prize (much thanks to their huge purchase of raffle tickets!), only to donate that cash prize directly back to alumni efforts. Even more than that, the Johnsen family generously donated their own money to support the association’s efforts and brought tons of post-game beverages for everyone on the field that day in memory of Ken.
Since the Alumni Men once again seized the coveted Ken Johnsen, Jr. Cup for the second year in a row, “Little” Joe Marginola made sure each of the victorious alums toasted out of the cup to Ken’s honor. We just can’t thank the Johnsen family enough for their incredible support.

The Men’s Alumni also awarded an inaugural Lion’s Eye Award, in memory of the late Jay “Control” Cairns, to an undergrad player who embodies the intensity, focus and drive that was quintessentially Control. The award for 2011 went to team captain Chris Duffy, as he has been the driving force in elevating the program and a fierce warrior on the pitch. Congrats Duff!

It’s also worth highlighting the fantastic turnout the Alumni Women saw this year. Unlike previous years, when the ladies have had to “borrow” rookies just to play a round of 10s, they had a full roster! In fact, most of the ladies on the pitch that day were part of the team during the “glory days” of D2 championship victory back in 2002 (almost 10 YEARS AGO?!?!). Nice work, Alumni Ladies!
Thanks to everyone who made it out this past Saturday. Please use the comment section of this post below to include your favorite highlights of the games and requisite debauchery that followed at Slocum’s. (Just please try to keep it PG! Save the rest of that inappropriate stuff for the message board. ) And if you have some  great photos from the event, please share! Email or send us a message through Facebook.
Definitely don’t be a stranger until next May! Remember there are other upcoming events between now and then where you can eat, drink and be merry with your fellow ruggers – so check out our CALENDAR page right now!!

About kbernyk

mouthy feminist. fat positive writer. insomniac embroiderer.
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1 Response to Alumni Day 2011 RECAP

  1. Deborah Simpson says:

    A really fun alumni day-it was great seeing everyone and spending time with all who attended-

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